Passive Income

Earning a Passive Income While Having A Job

Delve into the possibilities of earning passive income while working your day job in this eye-opening blog post.

Against most popular belief, you do not have to quit your job to start earning money online and create a passive income. In fact, I would not even recommend it. You can withdraw your side hustle from your job and have all the security and benefits of your job simultaneously. If making money online is not your thing then you can easily fall back to your regular job with little or no loss and regrets.

Finding the Extra Time to Create a Passive Income

We all know the drill, you wake up early, go to work and come home late…and you will say: “How am I supposed to find the extra time to earn an extra income using the Internet?”. A fair question, perhaps when you’re single you can spare a couple of hours each evening to work on a side hustle project. If you’re married and/or have children then finding free time can be very difficult to even impossible.

I’ve encountered all of the above and have some tips for you to help you to find the needed time to create a passive income:

Take Notice of Your Free Time – You might have long days but if you look closely you have some free time here and there. If I look at the average employee they have time during the morning drive to work, you have your morning break and lunch break and perhaps an afternoon break, then you have time during the drive home, you have time when you are the gym and perhaps an hour or two when the kids are sleeping.

Combine your Activities – As mentioned in the previous section you have e.g. time when driving to work. On your drives, how often do you listen to radio? When you are on the treadmill at the gym, do you listen to some streaming audio or MP3 files? So why not swap those out and listen to online podcast and learn something instead? Find an inspiring podcast that teaches you about running an online business.

Stop Watching Television – The average person watched approximately 750 hours of television per year…now imagine what you could do in those 750 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you should quit watching television completely but perhaps limit it to one or two television shows and see how much more free time you have left.

Maximizing Efficiency in Your Existing Schedule – Another key strategy is to optimize the time you already have. Many of us don’t realize how much time is lost in inefficiencies during our day. For instance, consider your daily routines and workflows. Is there a way to streamline these processes to free up more time? Perhaps you can batch cook meals on the weekend to save time on weeknights, or organize your work tasks more effectively to finish them quicker. Small tweaks in your daily routine can accumulate into substantial time savings, which can then be redirected towards building your passive income streams.

Leverage Technology and Automation – In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in your quest for passive income. There are numerous tools and apps designed to automate or simplify tasks. For example, if you’re interested in blogging, content management systems can streamline the publishing process, or if you’re into selling products online, e-commerce platforms can handle most of the logistical aspects. By leveraging these tools, you can reduce the time and effort required to maintain your passive income sources, making it easier to balance with your full-time job.

As you can see, it does not take much to find some extra time to work on your side business… be creative and you’ll see that you have more free time than you initially thought.